You have people who count on you. You’re no longer relying exclusively on willpower. You’re increasingly open and honest with all people about who you intend to be in your life.


What in your life are you viewing as a grind? How can you gamify it? How can you let go of the things weighing you down? How can you be more playful and experimental about your dreams? Will you let yourself PLAY? Will you let yourself FAIL AND LEARN???? Use the 3-month energy cycle SYSTEM to GAMIFY YOUR LIFE!



Noah is a member of AMP. He's been in the program all of 2018 and has had HUGE success. He attributes most of his success to really using the accountability groups we formed at the beginning of the year. In this interview, he explains how he's used accountability to help him, and why it's been so meaningful.


Make a Public Commitment


Map Out a Plan


Interview with Pod Partners Eric and Jason


Accountability Partners Are Great. But “Success” Partners Will Change Your Life.

Research studies have shown that publicly committing your goals to someone gives you at least a 65% chance of completing them. However, having a specific accountability partner increases your chance of success to 95%.

The Two Mental Shifts Highly Successful People Make

You are responsible for how you respond to life.

How to Learn in 2 Days What Normally Takes 6 Months

"When performance is measured, performance improves. When performance is measured and reported, the rate of improvement accelerates." -- Thomas S. Monson



50% Complete

Two Step

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